What’s missing?

Del Dem who I consider a friend has made an attempt at introspection.  And like most posts, the trolls have derailed his good intentions.  Yes, myself included as a troll.

I think by now most people know I was a contributor on DL. Until I burned a bridge with my selfishness.  I’m willing to admit it.  I have apologized face to face to most of the people there, but I still continue to be a pain in the ass to them.  Mostly because that’s what I’ve always been.  I am a person that usually doesn’t see the point, is told I don’t see the point and then is ignored.  I probably just gave the definition of a troll, and I did it using “I” like almost 10x’s.

When I was a writer there and has always been my sort of code I always tried to keep it real, and do it with some fucking style.  Lob mother fucking verbal bombs on people and get in your face.  Say what others wanted but wouldn’t.  Say things from a different angle, beat that angle into a mangled mess of jumbled, incoherent ramblings that left most people no better off from before they read the post.

I got under peoples skin.  Including everyone at DL.  How Jason get’s away with asking me to do a podcast slash weekly post of a phone call I don’t know.  Also, how Jason keeps trying to work with me after I constantly shit all over him and his friends I don’t know.  I used to think I was Charlie Brown to his Lucy.  Maybe I’m the one holding the football and he keeps expecting me to not pull it away?  hmmmmmmm

So what’s missing at DL?  They have a few problems.

  1. I’ve always felt that Delaware Liberal is not Liberal.  It’s an extension of Delaware’s Democratic Party, which isn’t liberal.  It’s like Subway’s $5 foot long.  It’s not a foot long god damnit, so stop calling it a foot long.  But that horse has left the barn, DL isn’t changing it’s name and the contributors attached to Delaware’s Democratic Party aren’t either.  They aren’t liberal.  I’m never going to be over it and they aren’t ever going to change their name.
  2. Which leads to their next problem, what’s the point of a “blog” anymore?  For me it was always to keep it real.  To call a spade a spade.  Call out those that need to be called out and not hold back.  I never had a problem going after the sleaze ball, drunk-driving, power abusing, wife beater that changed parties in Delaware and managed to get elected.  Nor the italian meatball carepet bagger that is now in Rhode Island.  You can tell when people are pulling punches.  And over there some people are pulling punches.  Why?  What are you worried about?  is DL making money for anyone?  Are they worried about sponsors fleeing?
  3. Why pull punches?  Because when you are part of the party or a phone call away you can’t stick it to them.  You can’t call out the bullshit.  You are on the inside and keeping what’s on the inside from the readers. You get the email or the text message that says, “what the fuck man!!”, “you got it wrong man” and then you write about it without saying  how you know, where you got the know, etc. etc. People want transparency, don’t they?  I sure as fuck do.  Don’t people want to know the dirt that others aren’t getting.  If you can’t get the dirt then me as a writer I blast people.  You can’t blast away in circular firing squad.
  4. Next problem with pulling punches: When the contributors act like they know something you don’t.  As if to say, that me as a commentor wouldn’t be saying that if I knew what they knew, but can’t say because it’s insider information.  Well go fuck yourself then.  You’re on a blog bro, are you worried you aren’t getting invited to the inauguration party?  Who are you serving at this point?  Worried about not getting that xmas card and seeing the kids at church?
  5. Last problem there’s only really one maybe 2 people on their that write with panache.  The rest are wonky, boring, and while yes, great in content and facts, lacking in depth and personality.

Much like I’ve always done, I do things with a lack of cohesion and I go off half cocked.  In my mind these are the reason’s DL has a problem.

I know they have a damn good amount of people reading the site.  I also know a lot of them are the politicians and insiders they talk to and others talk to.



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